#nendoro400 my 1st nendo is takagi akito from bakuman, get some cronut right after purchase him.....
#nendoro400 さくらちゃんのためならねんどろヴァージンを捨てる(ぁ
#nendoro400 http://t.co/3VkUwjU9B3
My favourite nendoroid~ Let's help save and reunite the two lovers! <3 http://t.co/BmjYhRBml1
#nendoro400 @GSC_GUMA http://t.co/gcjlJvKAr8
#nendoro400 One of my favourite nendoroids mixed with some parts a friend lent me. http://t.co/dg...
Chocolate + Nendoroid = it's super effective http://t.co/VLyAJcLw9X
I think sakura would enjoy go to starbucks with me and other nendoroid I have... http://t.co/J1yO...
#nendoro400 http://t.co/fFLRQsR7Al
I own/ordered 6 Nendoids in total, and I'd love cute Sakura to be the 7th!
#nendoro400 amo mis nendo :D, espero ganarme una figura de sakura http://t.co/hRtzGggaPz
#nendoro400 My First Nendoroid is Shinku. She is elegant and cute
My First Nendoroid xD i cant wait for CCS Sakura Nendo to came out~ xD i hope i got one for free ...
#nendoro400 http://t.co/zQ5qBQhMey
These guys were my first nendoroids and the first figures I ordered from abroad http://t.co/eJcGr...
#nendoro400 http://t.co/suvoN0c7OO
#nendoro400 My First Nendoroid http://t.co/mLV9BujlmH
#nendoro400 ねんどろいどキャンペーンにうちからは代表としてデェアーテェ(はやて+レイミアの猫目で...
"Welcome to Animal Crossing!" Isabelle was my first Nendoroid. Now I'm addicted! http://t.co/3VdR...
#nendoro400 I would like to be the Great Winner
お外にも一緒に行きます http://t.co/EMcXuqUNtJ
Wondering cat... http://t.co/VJlhLuK3vN
#nendoro400 初めては、まどマギ杏子!!二番目は東方十六夜咲夜!! 東方はねんどろ化が一番!!
#nendoro400 my first ever nendoroid. I'll be gladly to adopt sakura too. Hehehe. Congrats GSC #40...
#nendoro400 Outings with my Nendoroid Last Valentine's, I went out with Kurisu. (*´・v・) http...
当時何を思ってこれを撮ったのか… http://t.co/6k9OIMl23q
葉桜島風🌸 Spring in Japan is very beautiful♪ http://t.co/Gxhy2udMQl
adoro las nendo ,, quiero ganar una figura de Sakura http://t.co/oxnqkILSAA
my first nendoroid and my travel buddy: masamune! we've gone many places together http://t.co/Oxg...
amo los nendo ,, ojala gane http://t.co/fMtZsQuG0Y
Kyubey, I've a feeling we're not in Mitakihara anymore. http://t.co/6O2DwPYbk3
#nendoro400 ねんどろいどのでふぉるめ感、とっても可愛くて、見ているだけで癒されちゃう。勿体なくて...
Already waiting for Sakura. Please don't Make her cry http://t.co/Br8urO1HGh
Rin & Len: Let's eat all the icecreams before Kaito comes back~~ XD http://t.co/hHoRmxkJcW
#nendoro400 Tomoe Mami's my first Nendo. I got her couple of years ago and what's better than a s...
#nendoro400 My First Nendorois is gonna be Yoshino <3 <3 i wish i could get anoth...
It finally feels like spring! Even though it's almost summer! http://t.co/jibgjpzWnq
#nendoro400 I always outing wif my nendo :D & photoshoot them <3 all of them is my first n...
My ever first nendos and they are K-ON petits! http://t.co/wmTnKN2oZl
Chocolate everyday! http://t.co/KmMWePcSav
I really want sakura to accompany tsukiko and make my photos more cute than before http://t.co/zO...
Lovely Tsukiko http://t.co/kPX7nLIsz2
#nendoro400 No.33の初音ミクが初フィギュアで初ねんどろいど、買い続けて気づけばNo.400。おそろしや。
Haqua my favorite nendoroid http://t.co/bQD3NWSqra
巫女さん(*´艸`*) http://t.co/lYjEthQmHK
Tsukiko really need a friend like Sakura to accompany her take a walk after school http://t.co/5F...
my first nendoro was Kaito. He may not be the newest but he holds a special place in my heart htt...
ねんどろ歴は浅いけど、どんどんはまってお散歩や旅行に連れて行くのが当たり前に(*´ω`*) 撮っていると...
I desire moar based nendoro plox
My favorite Nendoroid and personal assistant~ No.194 Hatsune Miku : Append! http://t.co/OcuXvB5Tcc
Ojala pudiera tirar hoy ataques de espinas de rosas x3…
Tsukiko just appeared http://t.co/WiGMPmK6hX
#nendoro400 I've brought Kobato on many journeys with me even to another country on holidays. Bac...
Mikasa-chan is my first nendoroid O(≧▽≦)O!!!She's pretty awesome !!! (*′∇`*) ♥ http://t.co/jvnq...
#nendoro400 一番のお気に入りの一枚。カメラ技術も磨きたいねんどろの可愛さもっと可愛く撮りたい http...
We will win this bingo with cuteness http://t.co/uSzHbrAL3E
#nendoro400 hope I win the lucky giveaway so I can have two sakura on my display :3
Nendoroids have been accompanying me for the last few years and they felt like family. Hope this ...
Come to me Sakura-chan http://t.co/a03glgV4Ro
Chocolate.... http://t.co/48OXLU8vDS
adoro mis figuras ,, quiero ganar una figura de Sakura . http://t.co/F7a7exyC97
You just wait Sakura u would be here http://t.co/mPegHel0Fz
#nendoro400 My first Nendoroid, Wakana, accompanying Meloetta. http://t.co/DnXovtzlMs
#nendoro400 My First Nendoroid is Kagamine Rin&Len.I love them very much. http://t.co/6RV...
This is was my flight with one of my nendoroid ! Love them so much ! Waiting for nendoroid Sakura ! http://t.co/ymYqac3raf
#nendoro400 la nendoroid de Sakura será mi primera nendoroid, estoy deseando tenerla entre mis br...
#nendoro400 From New Year 2014. http://t.co/loIqhwstBo
My first regular nendo! http://t.co/jtcthqsm6r
You & me together on every trip. Kagamine Rin, my first nendoroid :) http://t.co/yYEBy9Odbi
Amo esta imagen,, espero que me elijan. http://t.co/DIYNsnPtZj
They will be happy if sakura joins them ✨✨ http://t.co/eoqKMtPzsD
#nendoro400 ねんどろいどと・・・私の大切なメモリー。 http://t.co/Ci2HFNB9Mk
#nendoro400 my most prized nendo must be this babe! took me years to get my hands on her! http:/...
Nene is my first nendoroid and this our first date too >_< http://t.co/M0RKaTCDkN
#nendoro400 Sakura ~ :"3
#nendoro400 La quieroooooooooooooooooooooooo ;_____;
#nendoro400 No NENDOLOIDs, No life!! 今や職場のオアシスです(⌒∇⌒) http://t.co/s2axAALt28
My favorite Nendoroid right here. Kaito is cool and I ship him with Miku :D http://t.co/LAz2reyMoj
#nendoro400 http://t.co/YzNottWdEb
生きる森の美女ミクダヨー 再販と桜ミクダヨーはまだかな? http://t.co/x6EBIxqOzu
#nendoro400 My Rin Natsume was coming but looks like she doesn't want out yet http://t.co/hjx89b8RyS
This was my first ever Nendo :3 http://t.co/KZH5PuXlgn
Nyaa... http://t.co/itOujAALIR
最初に買ったのは確かボカロだったと思います(´∀`*) ちっちゃくて可愛いので眺めてるだけでも癒されま...
#nendoro400 my first nendoriod is millhiore (dog days) bought in on AFA ID 2012 she's just too cu...
Me gusta esta imagen,, espero ganar :D . http://t.co/MHVqgpxUKN
sakura... please save me from that elephant... http://t.co/tUmQsUZY33
My cannot be this cute! Tsukiko is playing with the dolphin while waiting for Shimakaze! (≧∇≦) ...
I would like to share my muffins with Sakura-chan http://t.co/xMTjDuAuTF
I love Card Captor Sakura since I was a little little child
#nendoro400 Looking for a new Friend for my little girl http://t.co/HKHCcu7nAl
My favorite nendoroid is Elsie. She's so cute I can't help but love her.
We celebrated Sheryl Nome and Hikaru Ichijo's birthday last November! 😁🎉🎊🎂 http://t.co/m5ou5wKo15
My first Nendoroid was Snow Miku: Snow Playtime Edition. Her smile is the cutest thing ever! http...
#nendoro400 幸せはケーキの上にあったにょろ。 http://t.co/m4debRxFuA
海外旅行のときはねんどろいど同行がお約束。ちゅるやさん いん はわい http://t.co/8dLW0fh0Mv