Machiasobi vol.11
- Name
- : Machiasobi vol.11
- Date
- : 28th September (Sat) - 14th October (Mon) 2013
Good Smile Company will only have a booth from the 12th to the 14th October. - Venue
- : Machiasobi Grounds, Tokushima City, Tokushima.
- Booth
- : Poppo Shopping Street 1F Special Area 'Good Smile Collection 2013 Autumn @ Tokushima', Parasol Shop.
- Map
- :
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Good Smile Company will be taking part in Machiasobi from the 12th October (Sat) until the 14th October (Mon). Be sure to visit us if you’e at the event!
Good Smile Collection 2013 Autumn @ Tokushima Booth
The latest figures will be on display and Danganronpa and other anime related goods will be on sale!
Be sure to follow @gsc_sales and @GSC_GUMA for live updates from the event!
Date: 12th – 14th October 2013. 10:00 – 17:00
Place: Poppo Shopping Street 1F Special Area ‘Good Smile Collection 2013 Autumn @ Tokushima’,