I'm pretty sure that Sakura will be my first nendoro, via contest or $$$ I want it!!
Poor lonely Tomoko needs some more friends. Maybe Sakura would get along with her?
My most memorable nendoroid because my dad and mom gave it to me <3
#nendoro400 Have a nice weekend with Akari~
#nendoro400 My latest nendoroid! Destroyer Shimakaze with Kirino's moe face~
#nendoro400 Here are my first Nendoroids~ After I found these, I had no choice but to open my wal...
@GSC_GUMA Nendoroids and Me: I always take my little friends on travels and take pics of them. I'...
#nendoro400 Neptune is my fav chara. I want her to fulfill my emptiness because a half of my hear...
#nendoro400 I can't wait!! I'm so excited <3 Card Captor Sakura Rocks!!!
She's my most favorite travel companion :) we always stick together
I enjoy to make mini comic with my nendoroids
#Nendoro400 I'm a huge Good Smile and CLAMP fan. Nendoroid Sakura is perfect!
#nendoro400 My favorite nendoroids : Kirito and Asuna ~ They're always keeping me company >w&l...
@GSC_GUMA I want this Sakura for my girlfriend <{^-^}>
#nendoro400 Ouji was my first Nendoroid & still my favorite! He got me back into figure colle...
#nendoro400 My first Nendoroid was the cute little Noel from the Blazblue Continuum Shift CE!
Outings with my Nendoroid (in cosplay~)
It would be cool to have a pile of nendoroids to swim in like Scrooge's money bin
#nendoro400 Good luck everyone!
#nendoro400 My 1st & fav Vocaloid Megurine Luka! We have so much fun at work together! @GSC_G...
She's the most adorable Nendoroid ever released. Her expression is hilariously funny!
My Tony Tony Chopper will be happy to have Sakura's companion! So kawai *O*
#nendoro400 My very first nendoroid that i had the pleasure sharing cake with~ It went well with ...
Gackupo-kun wants to be friends with Sakura-chan!!!!! Yoshiki-san and Bowie also would be cool. /...
#nendoro400 what is nendoroid?why people like it?should i buy it?oh,wait,what nendo should i buy?...
#MyFirstNendoroid was a Kaname Madoka that I got for Christmas, she's still my favorite! :D @GSC_...
#nendoro400 Current love is Snow Miku 2013! It took a long time to get her but when I opened that...
My first and fav nendoroid Monokuma, placed with Doraemon since they share the same VA http://t.c...
I just fall for Nendoroid with Mankanshoku Mako and Matoi Ryuko from Kill la Kill. I wait for the...
My first nendoroid was Sebastian Michaelis <3 Looong time ago
#nendoro400 my 1st Nendoroid was Black Rock Shooter but my favorite one is Miku of course ^.^ htt...
The zetsubou sensei nendo is a birthday gift from someone special. So cheerful BRS to cheer her u...
Shinku's and Suigintou's Nendoroid are the cutest thing in my universe, specially Suigintou's eye...
GUMI flower; I really love GUMI so she's my favorite nendo
#nendoro400 Cecilia and Kobato has been a great Nendoroid to me.. accompanying me at campus and w...
Mikasa was my first nendoroid, she's really cute
@GSC_GUMA My adorable Asuna and Kirito Nendoros! Starting off my collection right!
#nendoro400 is Sakura! My childhood, my favourite character and my first nendoroid! <3 &am...
#nendoro400 My First Nendoroid is Kaname Madoka Maiko version. She is very cute, magic, awesome.I...
@GSC_GUMA I just love 'em all!
@GSC_GUMA My first nendoroid was L from Death Note. He's even more special because he was my firs...
Miku is really to drum and entertain. Maybe win a contest or two...
#nendoro400 Don't look behind you!
#nendoro400 My first nendoroid u love it, and special for me
#nendoro400 I love to spend my day off to photograph my nendoroids.and i wish i could get Sakura ...
My First Nendoroid was. She was the one that got me to collect Nendoroid.
My snow Miku nendo and Mawaru Penguindrum princess figma came at the same time.
Miku wants a new fellow nendo to share her leek with! >:3
#nendoro400 my nendoroids loves to go outside with me :)
#nendoro400 My first nendo was Mami, she took 6 months to get to me, poor thing!
My first and beloved nendoroid ever, Kagamine Rin Cheerful Japan
My first Nendoroid was: Sebastian Michaelis, I enjoy to make crossovers with my nendoroids!! <...
#nendoro400 Kinomoto Sakura is one of my favorite character. I hope she is the first one for my n...
#nendoro400 my girlfriend on X'mas day!!!
2 of my first nendos!!! Kaito is not pleased with his leek!
#nendoro400 Me and my first nendo, my beloved Miyuki chan! ~
#nendoro400 Isn't Tomoko a cutie? ( u w u )
#nendoro400 Good luck everyone!
#nendoro400 I have a few Nendoroids but my absolute favorite has to be adorable Madoka Maiko Ver...
#nendoro400 my favorite nendoroid would be Menma. I just had to have her because she's so cute. :...
#nendoro400 My first nendoroid (Sonico) enjoys my favorite (Asuna) nendoroid's song! @GSC_GUMA ht...
I think insane black rock shooter will needs some help from to face Tendō !
Youmu was my first nendoroid. This is also the best quality picture I ever took with my old phone...
My first love for nendoroid were Azusa from K-On! (≧◡≦)
@GSC_GUMA my first nendoroid, Black Rock Shooter
#nendoro400 I wish I could get this one, for my sister. She is a big fans of cardcaptorsakura. I ...
My Favorite Nendoroid is Sena Kashwazaki! because its fun to make fun of her ❤️ @GSC_GUMA http://...
My first nendroid is Madoka from Puella Magi Madoka Magica from my boyfriend 2 years ago.
My First Nendoroid: Homura-chan when she was making a jelly with me ^^
Saber was my first Nendoroid. Hoping to grow my Nendoroid collection with the addition of Sakura!...
Strength has to be one of my favorite nendos, she's just too cute!
My very special moment travelling with nendoroid miku yukata to beach! her eyes blend into ocean!...
#nendoro400 Sakura-chan will be my favorite Nendo.My first Nendo Was Shana Enpatsu ver and I stil...
When i bought Madoka and Homura, i thought : i need the other puella magi. But Asuna came in my l...
My lack of photographic skills portrays my first nendoroid ever. Now to expand my collection with...
#nendoro400 mayoi my first! she took my collection's virginity, with mayoi petite hope she won't ...
Here's a combination of my first nendo, Miho and my favorite one, Azusa, sleeping in my comfort b...
#nendoro400 Kirito is the best nendoroid, especially with the Asuna nendoroid beside him ;P
Support Miku was my first nendoroid!! She holds a super special place in my heart.
Bought both traditional outfit nendoroid for Madoka and Miku during AFA 2013. Burnt pocket. http:...
My First Nendoroid: my princess Yukiko Amagi whom helped kickstart my nendo-crazed collection. @G...
#nendoro400 My favourite Nendoroid is Erio, I'm a big fan of the show and her character, futons a...
#nendoro400 Sakura is my favorite animated character.I want Sakura to be my first nendoroid colle...
Cirno was my first Nendoroid. While the snow is almost gone over here, she did get one last hurra...
#nendoro400 My favorite nendoroids with a kimono!!! Lovely shading themselves from the cute war...
Araragi Tsukihi was my first mini Nendo! She's so cute and nice that she even helped me at maths~
#nendoro400 Sakura-chan would be my favourite nendo.i love the anime and comic when i was a kid.i...
I love I want my ☹Please☹
My first nendoroid is two together of the lovely kirito and asuna from SAO😊
#nendoro400 Sakura is my favorite animated character.I want Sakura to be my first nendoro's colle...
My thank you for making wonderful figures @GSC_GUMA
My first and favorite nendoroid is the maiko vers. Madoka. I snatched her up at a convention and ...
#nendoro400 My first nendoroid and the first photo!
#nendoro400 My two favorite nendoroids sharing tea together~
@GSC_GUMA My first and favorite Nendoroid! They're so cute and I love posing them next to one ano...
#nendoro400 Nanoha and Fate is my favourite in this time,I love the uniform ver
#nendoro400 I love attack on Titan, this brings back memories... TT^TT
#nendoro400 Nendoroids and Me: I always take my little friends on travels and take pics of them. ...
#nendoro400 My first Nendoroid was lovely Shinku >w< She was a gift, so she is special to m...
My favourite nendo is Sakura Miku :3 she combines 3 of my fave things; Miku, pink & cherry bl...